Upton Software

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Defendant contact information


Payment History screen shows payments made and current balance, and accepts payments.

Text Box: 		PRINTS:

Notification letter to defendant
Daily Reports
Monthly Reports
Case Notes
Checks to merchants, Court
Statistical Reports

While Worthless Checks Case Management was written primarily for District Attorneys’ Worthless Checks Units, it is adaptable to any checks collection agency.  Merchants or individuals bring their check to your office, where all available information on the check writer is entered into the computer and a case is created.  The program prints a letter to the check writer informing them that a warrant for their arrest (if you are a law-enforcement agency) has been issued, and explaining how they can resolve the matter without being arrested.  Payments are applied to the case, receipts are printed, and money is distributed to the collecting agency, to courts, and to the merchant who accepted the check.  Warrants and Subpoenas are printed, if necessary, as well as folder labels, case notes, daily and monthly reports, and special statistical data on demand.